ACIMAC Group Privacy Policy

1. Who we are

Pursuant to art. 13 of European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“Regulation” or “GDPR”) and Italian Legislative Decree 30/06/2003 no. 196 (“Privacy Code”) and subsequent amendments and supplements, you are receiving this communication from the ACIMAC group (A.C.I.M.A.C. – S.A.L.A. srl a socio unico – Kairos Media Group Srl) with registered offices in Modena (MO), via Fossa Buracchione n. 84, in its capacity as Controller for the processing of your personal data.

This Communication serves to inform users about the way in which their personal data are processed.

2. Type of data processed

The website provides informative and sometimes interactive content. While navigating the website, the ACIMAC group may therefore acquire information about visitors in the following ways:

Navigation data

During normal operation, the computer systems and software procedures used for the functioning of this website acquire certain personal data through the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes: IP addresses, type of browser, operating system, domain name and addresses of referring websites, information on the pages visited by users within the site, time of access, time spent on individual pages, analysis of the internal path and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer platform.

Further categories of data

These include all kinds of personal data supplied by the visitor through the website, for example by:

  • filling in a form to request information on services offered and/or for contact;
  • writing to the email addresses indicated on our website to request information;
  • accessing a reserved area and/or a service;
  • filling in a form to receive our newsletters and marketing communications;
  • filling in a form to register with one of the group’s initiatives (conferences, webinars, seminars, workshops, events, etc);
  • giving his/her business card to our personnel in stand during exhibitions or events.

3. Purposes of data processing

Submitted data are processed for the following purposes:

  • Providing goods and/or service requested by users, managing contracts entered into by users, fulfilling the corresponding administrative, accounting, tax and legal obligations, and fulfilling requests made by users. The data processing operations performed for these purposes are necessary for contractual purposes and do not require specific consent from the data subject.
  • Measuring the user experience of our platforms and the products and services we offer and ensuring correct functioning of the web pages and their content. Data processing performed for these purposes is based on the legitimate interest of the Controller.
  • Sending out commercial communications relating to services, promotions and/or offers in the interest of the Controller; for these purposes data processing is performed with the specific consent of the user.

4. Sharing and transfer of personal data

Data collected by the ACIMAC group will only be shared for the above-mentioned purposes; we will not share or transfer your personal data to third parties other than those indicated in this Privacy Policy.

As part of our activities and exclusively for the same purposes as those listed in this Privacy Policy, your personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients:

  • ACIMAC group personnel;
  • personnel from the UCIMA group (U.C.I.M.A. – proma-pack srl a socio unico– Kairos Media Group srl – MECS srl) for the relevant sectors;
  • personnel from Promaplast srl for the relevant sectors;
  • service providers (e.g. IT system providers, cloud service providers, database providers and consultants);
  • partner of events, conferences, webinars, etc.;
  • Public Administrations for legal purposes;
  • any public and/or private entity to whom it may be necessary to communicate your personal data in relation to the above-mentioned purposes.

The up-to-date list of Processors is available at the registered offices of the Data Controller and will be provided upon written request.

This Privacy Policy is also applicable in the case of data transfer to third countries where the level of data protection differs from that of the European Union: personal data will not be transferred to third parties without first informing you and, where required, receiving your consent. Data transfer to third countries other than those for which the European Commission has made an adequacy decision occurs on the basis of agreements that use standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission or other adequate guarantees in compliance with laws in force.

5. Personal data protection

The ACIMAC group has implemented adequate technical and organisational measures to provide an adequate level of protection and confidentiality of personal data.

These measures take account of:

  • the state of the art of technology;
  • the costs of implementation;
  • the nature of the data;
  • the risk of processing.

The purpose is to protect the data from accidental or unlawful destruction or alteration, accidental loss, unauthorised disclosure or access and other forms of unlawful processing.

Moreover, when managing your personal data, the ACIMAC group:

  • collects and processes personal data that are adequate, relevant and not excessive, as required to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes, and
  • ensures that these data are kept up-to-date and accurate.

6. Data retention times

Without prejudice to your right to object to processing of your personal data and/or to request erasure, the ACIMAC group will retain your personal data only for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected and received or to meet legal or regulatory requirements.

When this period expires, your data will be removed from the ACIMAC group’s active systems.

7. Your legal rights

The rights associated with the personal data processed by the ACIMAC group are:

  • Right to rectification. You can obtain rectification of the personal data concerning you or sent to us by you. The ACIMAC group makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal data in its possession are accurate, complete, up-to-date and relevant according to the most recent information available;
  • Right to restriction. You can obtain restriction of the processing of your personal data if:
    • You contest the accuracy of your personal data in the period for which the ACIMAC group must verify their accuracy;
    • Processing is unlawful and you request restriction of processing or erasure of your personal data;
    • The ACIMAC group no longer needs to retain your personal data but you need them to establish, exercise or defend your legal rights, or
    • You object to processing while the ACIMAC group verifies whether its legitimate grounds override yours.
  • Right of access. You have the right to ask the ACIMAC group for confirmation as to whether it holds any personal data that concerns you, including information on which categories of personal data are in the ACIMAC group’s possession or control, the purpose for which they are used, where they were collected (if not submitted directly by you), and any parties to whom they have been transmitted;
  • Right to data portability. Upon your request, the ACIMAC group will transmit your personal data to another Controller, if technically feasible and provided the processing is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract.
  • Right to erasure. You may obtain from the ACIMAC group the erasure of your personal data if:
    • The personal data are no longer required for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
    • You have the right to object to further processing of your personal data and you choose to exercise this right to object;
    • The personal data have been collected in an unlawful manner.

This shall not apply to the extent that processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

  • Right to object. You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data provided that processing is not based on your consent but on the legitimate interests of the ACIMAC group or third parties. In this eventuality, the ACIMAC group will no longer process your personal data unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. If you object to processing, please specify whether you intend to erase your personal data or restrict their processing.
  • Right to lodge a complaint. In the event of alleged violation of the applicable privacy law, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of your country or of the country where the alleged violation was committed.

8. Amendments to this privacy policy

Any future amendments or supplements to data processing as described in this privacy policy will be notified through the usual communication channels used by the ACIMAC group (e.g. by email or through the website).

9. Controller and contact person for data protection

To exercise your rights pursuant to article 15 et seq. of the GDPR, you can contact the Controllers for the ACIMAC group member companies listed below:

  • A.C.I.M.A.C. with registered offices in Modena (MO), via Fossa Buracchione n. 84, telephone +39 059 510 336;
  • S.A.L.A. srl a socio unico with registered offices in Modena (MO), via Fossa Buracchione n. 84, telephone +39 059 512 108;
  • Kairos Media Group srl with registered offices in Modena (MO), via Fossa Buracchione n. 84, telephone +39 059 512 103;
  • MECS srl with registered offices in Modena (MO), via Fossa Buracchione n. 84, telephone +39 059 512 146

or write to the ACIMAC group’s email address [email protected]

The ACIMAC group’s contact person for personal data protection is the CED Department, email [email protected].

The DPO is Lorenzo Lanzoni, e-mail [email protected]

Privacy Policy