design area


This course is designed to teach participants the best techniques in the field of professional image post-production and retouching using Adobe Photoshop.

It is intended for individuals with little or no prior experience of Photoshop or image post-production who wish to progress to an intermediate or advanced level.

The course agenda is flexible, so topics can be added or removed according to the participants’ initial knowledge and end goals.

The classes are divided into three parts: theory, practical exercises and review. This cycle is repeated for each topic to ensure a successful learning process. Students will work with real images, giving them the opportunity to put the techniques they have learned into practice.


8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 October – From 8 AM to 11 AM
Deadline for applications: 18 October 2024


21 hrs


€ 900.00


Mr A. Bernardi